NORSAR Software Suite 2018.1 (2018.1.40223, July 3, 2018)
NORSAR Software Suite 2018.1 is a new main release featuring new functionality for time-depth conversion and an enhanced Kirchhoff Target Migration allowing for both isotropic and anisotropic models. In addition, several improvements and bug fixes are included.
Release details
New functionality
- Generate time-depth functions from velocities defined in time domain
- Time-Depth conversion of property cubes and seismic cubes
- Kirchhoff Target migration for dynamic ray tracing results which allows for both isotropic and anisotropic velocity sensitivities studies using Green’s functions for P-waves
Bug fixes and improvements
- Legacy NORSAR-3D tools in separate sub menu
- Fixed crash in reflectivity viewer on unexpected input
- Support for property functions in time domain in object list
- Windows version: Removed option to run NSS from installer (could be run as wrong user.)
- Fixed unit bug in Set Home View
- Different default background in time- and depth viewers
- Fixed bad axis orientation for X-Y view
- Fixed Eclipse model incomplete when imported to NORSAR
- Fixed Crash using imported Eclipse model
Illumination Ray Export
- Fixed wrong attribute value exported for incident angle and reflection angle
- Fixed incident azimuth not normalized in range [0, 360] degrees
Export of NORSAR regular cubes to SEGY
- Fixed data not sorted according to project Inline/Crosslines
- Fixed inconsistent use of trace header fields to define z0
- Stability fixes
Model Building
- Fixed bug in converting a 2D model with varying properties to a 2.5D model
- Added undo for selected functionality in general model builder
- Fixed bug selecting block from the table view in property tab in general model builder
- Stability fixes on functionality for editing interfaces in general model builder
- Fixed bug in projection of interface onto another. Interface list was repeated in pull-down menus
- Added possibility to delete incomplete models
SeisRoX Target Model Editor
- Fixed crash in generating elastic properties from geological properties
Convert N3D Model to Target Model
- Fixed crash for empty interfaces
Remote Machine Setup
- New: Allow for setting common machine settings for a list of machines
- Improved check on path consistency
- New option to set a static shot centered work box
- New buttons to collapse or expand workflow tree view
- Fixed bug in dynamic shot centered workbox for specific survey types
- Bug in plotting of dynamic workbox based on shot selection in workflow
- Minor improvements in advanced ray code editor
- Fixed bug in CPU time from tracer job
Illumination Ray Workflow
- Fixed unit conversion error in offset grid setup
Illumination Map Workflow, Simulated Migration Amplitudes Workflow
- Option for filtering out events with supercritical reflections was ignored in generation, always allowing all events, unless a topological receiver subselection was defined, in which case the value was wrongly handled
- Added option to filter on all, first or most energetic event
- Fixed frequent crashes on cancelling generation process
- Improved archiving if generated from tracer workflow results
Seismogram Generation Workflow
- Improved archiving if generated from tracer workflow results
Kirchhoff Prestack Modelling Workflow
- Allow survey subselection in Kirchhoff modelling
Kirchhoff Target Migration Workflow
- Fixed bug in recovering of failed processes
SeisRoX Workflows
- Fixed 1D models could not be selected if there was a "." In the name
- Fixed bug in recovering a failed Full-field process when running in remote execution mode
- Fixed bug in setting up local target box defined in InLine/CrossLine or UTM coordinates
- Allow multiple target models/variants for utility property cube generation
- Fixed bug in listing of time converted results
Wavefront Tracer workflows
- Improved shot selection in interactive tracer, enabling selection from the 3D viewer
- Fixed unit bug in retrace accuracy dialog
- Fixed bug in wavefront plotting which could cause crash if unexpected wavefront parameters
- Fixed bug in export of travel time cubes as SEGY. (Missing source depth)
- Fixed bug in travel time cube generation: Kept projection when defining shots from point set or sensors
MDesign Workflows
- Fixed wrong velocity used in Detectability and Location uncertainty
Ray Path Generator (legacy, Linux)
- Fixed blocking bug not handling new tracer results
In addition: Many minor stability fixes and improvements and improved help.