NORSAR Software Suite 2018 (2018.0.39597, February 22, 2018)
This is a bugfix release which addresses the following issues:
Wavefront tracer
- Handle rare cases in anisotropic models where numerical instability causes travel time computations to collapse and output faulty travel times.
Distributed machine setup
- Added a consistency check on remote machines to enable a quick fix if remote machines point to a different version of the software than the front-end machine.
It will work for homogenous systems with standard setup.
Kirchhoff Prestack Modelling Workflow
- Improved scalability on job distribution
- More efficient cleanup in final merge task
- Fixed a bug in resource probing when recovering a failed workflow run
Note: Failed or canceled workflows, which have been run with older NSS versions, must not be recovered. Require full re-run.
Kirchhoff Target Migration Workflow
- Fixed bug in computing target bounds from Kirchhoff prestack target model if no sub-area was selected.
- Improved scalability on job distribution.
- More efficient cleanup in final merge task.
Note: Failed or canceled workflows, which have been run with older NSS versions, must not be recovered. Require full re-run.
License handling of sub-processes
- More efficient license checking to avoid license server crash on heavily parallelized workflows.
Project selection
- When entering a path in the project directory field of the main window, a project selector pops up if the path is not a valid project.
Common Shot Tracer – Travel time cube workflow
- Fixed problem with shot index in SEGY export of travel time cubes.
- Archiving: Include shot index information.
Property operations (object list)
Unit conversion error in "Extrapolate distance" field.
Time-Depth conversion of grid surfaces
Fixed handling of undefined positions.