NORSAR Software Suite 2021 (2021.0.43273 February 8, 2021)
NORSAR Software Suite 2021 is a major new release featuring new tools and several improvements and bug fixes.
The new cost benefit analysis tool is a systematic approach to estimate a user defined Cost and Benefit function for different illumination maps based on user selected illumination map parameters.
The interactive Shot Direction Tracer is tracing Single Rays in a given model. It is an efficient tool for various purposes like testing the ray behaviour in a given model and visualization of geometrical spreading and shadow zones, to intuitively explain results from workflows like the Interactive Wavefront Tracer, Illumination Maps, Illumination Rays, and others.
New tools
• A new integrated Interactive 2D Event Handler is introduced
• An interactive tool to generate general 2D ray codes is now supported in the new NORSAR-2D version.
• A new Cost Benefit function tool is introduced.
• A new integrated Shot Direction Ray Tracer is now supported in NORSAR-3D
• New functionality for simulation of DAS helical fiber
Bug fixes and improvements
Important upgrades have been done to the underlying code base and graphic system to secure performance, compatibility, and security. The new NSS version is supported on the following systems:
- Windows 10
- CentOS 7 or newer, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 or newer
- General Model Builder:
- Clip grid surfaces when loading to fit the model box.
- Clip triangular mesh surfaces when loading to fit the model box.
- Clip property cubes when loading to fit the model box.
- Material properties (Vp,Vs,Rho,…) in cross section plots are now computed by means of splines functions. This shows material properties exactly as they are used in the wavefront tracers.
- 2D material property function (single inline or crossline) is expanded into a 3D cube when loaded into the model builder.
- The function ‘Cut two interfaces against each other’ shows progress bar and can be cancelled during the process.
- Grid Layer Cake Model Builder:
- Coincident z-values input grids are allowed. This is a common representation for complex geometries in grid-based interpretation and mapping software.
In addition, minor stability fixes and improvements.