NORSAR Software Suite 2023 (2023.0.44795 December 22, 2022)
NORSAR Software Suite 2023 is a new major release featuring new functionalities, improvements, and bug fixes. Highlights of the release are a new 3D Point Spread Function workflow, MDesign export functions, a 2D lateral property gradients function and a new dark user interface style. See the list below for details.
Common functions
- Reset of settings and selection of Preferences available from the Startup dialog.
- New style option under Preferences: Dark.
- Improved user’s control of the 3D Viewers.
- Extensive validation of user-defined input: Maximum name length and valid characters.
- File import no longer requires a suffix, that is, a “.” in the filename.
- With a single click, switch on/off many elements of common type in the 3D Viewer.
- Can make lateral property (Vp, Vs, density, etc.) gradients.
- To make 2D model from 1D Model is improved and is more stable.
- Improved coordinate info from the Hot Cursor.
- Supercritical reflections can be filtered or plotted with a separate color in the Interactive Illumination Rays plot and in the Shot-Direction Ray-Tracer.
- Improved Max Diving Depth filter in the Illumination Cubes workflow.
- Corrected the generation of Time-to-Depth mapping function from a time domain velocity cube.
- Polyline import for data in US-feet.
- Connection to Mesa 17.
- New workflow to compute Point Spread Functions (PSFs) only.
- Improved progress report when workflows are running.
- Improved SEG-Y export of results.
- Extensive new export functions and formats.
In addition, several stability fixes and improvements.