NORSAR-3D 5.5 (May 11, 2012)
Version 5.5 introduces new tools for survey planning and illumination studies based on Illumination Ray (IRAY) concept. In addition a new fully integrated 3D viewer with the ability to plot all data objects in a NORSAR project is introduced. The viewer is the first step to bring NORSAR-3D into the new NORSAR Seismic Modelling platform. This framework is already used for SeisRoX. Included in the release are also major improvements in the Model Builder: The ability to make a 3D model from a set of 2D lines, and a more robust handling of interface intersection. Other modules are also improved, see below.
FlexLM license
- Upgraded to FlexNet 11.10
Project Manager
- Warning given if values are not reasonable
File Manager
- Handling of new data objects: Point Set, Polyline, IRAY Green’s Functions
- Import wavelet on ASCII file format
Cube Export
- Fixed bug causing wrong export unit
Survey Import
- Improved handling of large SPS files
- Optimized memory allocation
- Fixed bug causing undefined values in survey files
Survey definition
- A new survey generator is introduced with functionality to define more general surveys including coil surveys
- Survey CMP fold maps and azimuth/offset coverage maps are introduced in the Viewer
- Survey azimuth/offset coverage polar plots are introduced in the Viewer
Model Builder
- Load project grids as properties
- Store interfaces/horizons as project grids
- Improved memory handling in iso-surface construction
- Improved interface curvature calculations when a model is stored as a ‘model ready for ray-tracing’
- Tools to build 3D models from 2D lines
- Handle arbitrary 2D lines (models from NORSAR-2D)
- Improved interface intersections
- Load/Store/Make polylines
- Make interfaces from polylines
- Make constant gradient material properties
- Hot cursor option
- Rotate/Translate/Zoom are available during interactive editing (with ‘(M)’-functions)
- Display of UTM axis introduced
Viewer - NEW
- Complete new module with advanced functionality to display all data objects in a NORSAR project, including IMAPs, FPLOTs and survey fold maps
- View thumbnail of Flower Plots located in 3D
- Backward compatible with previous NORSAR-3D versions
Illumination Ray - NEW (available from Viewer)
- Option for interactive click & shoot of direct rays
- Option for interactive click & shoot of illumination rays (rays obeying Snell’s law)
- Introducing three IRAY applications (workflows) for target point studies:
- Target Based: Study the incident ray angles that can be realized at a target
- Shot Based: Study where to locate receivers given shot positions
- Survey Based: Study the ray coverage at a target point for a given survey
Common Shot Wavefront Tracer
- Introduced rotated shot centered working box option giving reduced processing time
- Improved re-tracing
- Improved handling of rough/complex property fields
- Improved handling of shots located in undefined property fields
- Some user interface improvements
Illumination Map
- New option for geometrical spreading correction (true amplitude)
- Advanced IMAP display in the new Viewer
Illumination Map Batch
- Handle unlimited number of licenses
- New option for local parallel mode
- Improved GUI
In addition stability fixes, minor improvements and miscellaneous bug fixes.