NORSAR-3D 5.6.2 (September 29, 2014)
Version 5.6.2 is a bugfix release with some minor additions in functionality.
Model Builder
- Extended check when a model is stored. Warning is shown if:
- There is no impedance contrast across an interface
- A property grid/cube is undefined along an interface that is used in the definition of the corresponding block
- The velocity gradient is very large close to an interface
- Project an interface down on interfaces and/or polygons
- Option for vertical projection
- Store interfaces:
- By default curvatures are no longer calculated (like in TriMesh import)
TriMesh Import
- Can now have more than one interface on an input ".ts" file. The interfaces must be separated by the "TFACE" statement
- Much faster import of large interfaces, because, as default, curvatures are no longer calculated. (Curvatures are only needed if the interfaces are to be used in "Model Assembler")
Survey Generator
- Added new VSP survey types
- Walk-around
- Walk-away
- Shot grid
Event Extractor
- Add filter options on event parameters
In addition minor bug fixes and improvements.