SeisRoX 2.1.1 (November 26, 2010)
This release contains minor improvements, stability fixes and bug fixes.
SEGY export
- Option to override inline/crossline indices from project
Time-Depth conversion
- Added progress bar
- Different workflows can be run in parallel on the same project
- Fixed use of Eikonal solver in background model
- Improved Illumination vector data file handling to allow moving of projects
- Allow reuse of Illumination vectors calculated using NORSAR-3D background models
- Improved error messages when using NORSAR-3D background models
- Prevent space in user defined filenames
- Removed background type a la “(N3D)” from result file names
Improvements and bug fixes
- Copy missing rock solid file when copying rocks between projects
- Improved reflectivity sampling for target cubes with different sampling in different directions
- Handling of undefined values in grid data files (Sgrh)
- 2DViewer uses same colour maps as 3DViewer
- 2DViewer bug fixes
- Fixed memory leakage in 3DViewer