SeisRoX 3.0.2 (June 25, 2015)
Version 3.0.2 is a maintenance release with a focus on improving data import and upgrading the general rock physics framework:
CO2 is introduced as an additional fluid to be handled by rocks in order to estimate elastic properties of reservoir models.
Import of reservoir models from various sources is now facilitated by a newly established Petrel link that supports efficient data exchange between SeisRoX and Petrel.
Import of seismic or property cubes in SEG-Y format is significantly improved by a new import module that applies a new generation of the automatic topology analyser and allows for trace header review, selection, and scaling.
In addition, bug and stability fixes as well as minor improvements were done, such as adding maximum frequency information to generated wavelets in order to facilitate workflow setup and result analysis.Rock Builder
- CO2 as a fully integrated additional fluid in rocks. Setup of rocks now allows for including information on CO2 content, which may have strong impact on the derived elastic properties.
Petrel plugin - NEW
- Efficient model exchange between SeisRoX and Petrel
Upgraded SEG-Y import
- Much improved import of seismic or property cubes.
- New generation of the automatic topology analyser.
- SEG-Y trace header review, selection and scaling.
- Maximum frequency information added to generated synthetic wavelets.
Reflectivity Viewer - NEW
- Added new reflectivity viewer where reflectivity can be plotted as a function of incident angle.
1D Model Editor
- Added visualization of the model being edited.
SeisRoX 3.0.1 (June 25, 2014)
Version 3.0.1 is a maintenance release with improvements in functionality and bugfixes.
- Crash when reading large Illumination Vector files fixed
- Minor validity check problem for SeisRoX Full-field workflows fixed
- Minor improvements in Full-field process error messages
- More robust full-field process (e.g., option to limit number of parallel processes)
- Full-Field N3D background model process fix to avoid unnecessary re-tracing
3D Viewer
- Enable interactive clipping of SeisRoX horizon models
- Fixed crash when plotting horizon models with large densely sampled horizons
- Fixed crash when plotting seismic data with name containing "."
- Small modifications in Full-field PSF display
- Improved update of model horizon display after a model has been edited
Cube Import and Seismic Import
- More robust analysis of densely sampled rotated SEGY cubes
- Fixes in file information preview for large SEGY cubes
Survey Generator
- Added option to generate new surveys: Project shots/receivers onto surfaces
In addition, minor bug fixes and improvements.
SeisRoX 3.0 (February 13, 2014)
This release is a major update of SeisRoX. It introduces the Full-field workflow for PSDM simulation of large reservoir models using spatially varying Points Spread Functions.
The built-in parallel processing capabilities together with the 64-bit architecture makes it feasible to perform large simulations on a laptop.
The release also introduces functionality to import surveys (SPS, P1/90, and ASCII), a new VSP walk above survey generator, a wavelet ASCII import and a synthetic wavelet generator. In addition bug and stability fixes and minor improvements.Workflows
- A new Full-field workflow for PSDM simulation of large reservoir models
- Built-in parallel processing capabilities
- Redefined workflow categories:
- Local-target PSDM simulator (previously part of SeisRoX workflows)
- Full-field PSDM Simulator (new)
- Utility (previously part of SeisRoX workflows)
Survey Import
- Support for import of ASCII, SPS and P1/90 surveys
Survey Generator
- A new VSP walk-above survey generator using imported wells
- New ASCII wavelet import
- New synthetic wavelet generator
- New analytic surface generator
Seismic Data
- Import and display of seismic cubes for comparison with modelled data
- FlexNet 11.11 support
- 32-bit and 64-bit Linux and Windows support
SeisRoX 2.2.2 (October 26, 2012)
This is a bugfix release.
- Improved handling of I-vector files > 2GB
- Fixed handling of complex filters
SeisRoX 2.2.1 (June 27, 2012)
This is a bugfix release.
Rock Editor- Rock Calibration workflow fixed.
- Fixed storing of workflow so results are not deleted.
- Fixed export of SEG-Y in case of Angle Range option. The sum of angle ranges is now exported.
- Handling of property names with colon or stars on Windows.
- Fixed reflectivity calculations in cube models.
- Improved property gridding.
SeisRoX 2.2 (April 15, 2011)
This release is focused on extended rock physics functionality. In addition, coil survey and illumination vector combiner are introduced. In addition many bug fixes, stability fixes and minor improvements.
- Utilize up to 4GB memory on both Linux and Windows
- Option to remove header lines when importing grids
- Introduced option to generate coil surveys
Rock Editor
- Introduced new solids, Silt and Clay
- Dry Frame: New equation for Dry bulk modulus and Dry shear modulus: Krief.
- Pressure correction: New equation for Dry bulk modulus and Dry shear modulus: Macbeth.
- New and more flexible import format
Rock plotting
- New elastic properties (temporary results from Gassmanns equation):
Derived properties (wells, models and rock plotting)
- New elastic properties:
Illumination Vectors
- Introduced option to combine illumination vectors
SeisRoX 2.1.1 (November 26, 2010)
This release contains minor improvements, stability fixes and bug fixes.
SEGY export
- Option to override inline/crossline indices from project
Time-Depth conversion
- Added progress bar
- Different workflows can be run in parallel on the same project
- Fixed use of Eikonal solver in background model
- Improved Illumination vector data file handling to allow moving of projects
- Allow reuse of Illumination vectors calculated using NORSAR-3D background models
- Improved error messages when using NORSAR-3D background models
- Prevent space in user defined filenames
- Removed background type a la “(N3D)” from result file names
Improvements and bug fixes
- Copy missing rock solid file when copying rocks between projects
- Improved reflectivity sampling for target cubes with different sampling in different directions
- Handling of undefined values in grid data files (Sgrh)
- 2DViewer uses same colour maps as 3DViewer
- 2DViewer bug fixes
- Fixed memory leakage in 3DViewer
SeisRoX 2.1 (May 11, 2010)
This release includes the new functionality:
- 1D time convolution
- Use of SeisRoX models as background models
- A completely new 2D Viewer for cross section display
- In addition many bug fixes, stability fixes and minor improvements
Project handling
- Fixed bug that project could not be converted to 2.0
- Improved process logging
- New function: Derive TVD from MD
- New function: Derive TWT using a Time-Depth function
- New function: Derive VP from TWT
- Improved import of deviated wells
- Possible to plot wells in the Time 3D Viewer
- New: Support for time surfaces (import, convert depth/time, plotting)
- More efficient handling of large surveys
- New: Display includes plot of modulus and phase in the frequency domain
- New option to use a SeisRoX model as background model using an eikonal solver for travel time calculations. This makes it possible to use more complicated background models directly in SeisRoX without using NORSAR-3D to calculate overburden effects
- New workflow: Standard 1D time convolution
- New time to depth conversion option
2D Viewer
- New 2D Viewer for cross-section plots
- Option for wiggle line plots
- Option to blend two sections into a dual plot
- Options to set scaling, legend, colour mapping, and making snapshots
SeisRoX 2.0.1 (December 11, 2009)
This release includes bug and stability fixes and minor improvements.
Project handling
- Fixed bug that project could not be reverted
- Fixed bug causing progress bar hang if a plotted horizon was reverted
- Fixed bug in handling of undefined values which caused that calculation of derived properties failed (for example Vp from Slowness)
- Fixed path bug in Survey Generator which caused that nothing happened when OK was pressed
- Fixed bug in reflectivity mapping which could cause holes in the reflectivity on interfaces
- Fixed bug in Angle Range summation
- Fixed bug in property mapping of overhang structures
- Improved reflectivity mapping of overhang structures
- Seismic sub grids are now stored for each angle interval
- Reflectivity can be set constant for the Angle Range option
- Result info now shows IVEC percent per angle range
- Summation of filter and reflectivity sub grids is done during workflow and not during visualization
- More robust handling of NORSAR-3D GF files
- Cross Section viewers will be closed when changing workflow
- Fixed processing timer
SeisRoX 2.0 (September 23, 2009)
Highlights of the new release are the ability to import a reservoir model as a cube and use it as a model element in a SeisRoX model, the Petrel plug-in for easy access of Petrel data, and the Time/Depth functionality is greatly extended. The SimPLI modelling is improved with several new options and the Illumination Vector generation is improved. In addition display options and the user interface is improved.
SeisRoX cube models
Extension of the SeisRoX reservoir model to include cubes as a model element.
A SeisRoX model can consist of a set of cubes, a set of horizons or both cubes and horizons, all with property values attached to each node. This makes it easy to import and use external cubes in the SeisRoX modelling.
Petrel plug-in
A new plugin for Petrel makes it possible to make a SeisRoX model directly from a Petrel simulation model or a Petrel geo model and write seismic data from the SeisRoX modelling back to Petrel for viewing and comparison.
Cube Import
New import function to import property cubes on SEG-Y format.
Time/Depth functions
Definition of time/depth functions is extended with an option to use a P-velocity cube as basis for the function.
Fully integrated time domain
All data elements and SeisRoX models can be defined and edited in both time and depth domain using a time/depth function transformation.
Fully integrated time domain 3D viewer
All elements can be plotted simultaneously in both the time viewer and depth viewer.
Well handling
More flexible import of well data and prediction of new logs based on depth trends.
Handling of general surveys
All NORSAR-3D surveys can now be sub-selected, plotted and used in the SeisRoX modelling. Sub-selection filtering based on X-offset and Y-offset is added.
Illumination Vector improvements
Tighter integration between NORSAR-3D and SeisRoX makes it easier and more flexible to take into account survey sub-selections and PSDM filters when generating the Illumination Vectors. In addition a new plot option to compare Illumination Vectors is added.
New SimPLI modelling options
New options and improvements in the SimPLI modelling are introduced to simulate various amplitude effects, including geometrical spreading and transmission. In addition, when selecting a pulse, a new option allows to simulate deconvolution by replacing the spectrum of the pulse by a white-spectrum.
In addition stability fixes, minor improvements and miscellaneous bug fixes are included.