SeisRoX 2.1 (May 11, 2010)
This release includes the new functionality:
- 1D time convolution
- Use of SeisRoX models as background models
- A completely new 2D Viewer for cross section display
- In addition many bug fixes, stability fixes and minor improvements
Project handling
- Fixed bug that project could not be converted to 2.0
- Improved process logging
- New function: Derive TVD from MD
- New function: Derive TWT using a Time-Depth function
- New function: Derive VP from TWT
- Improved import of deviated wells
- Possible to plot wells in the Time 3D Viewer
- New: Support for time surfaces (import, convert depth/time, plotting)
- More efficient handling of large surveys
- New: Display includes plot of modulus and phase in the frequency domain
- New option to use a SeisRoX model as background model using an eikonal solver for travel time calculations. This makes it possible to use more complicated background models directly in SeisRoX without using NORSAR-3D to calculate overburden effects
- New workflow: Standard 1D time convolution
- New time to depth conversion option
2D Viewer
- New 2D Viewer for cross-section plots
- Option for wiggle line plots
- Option to blend two sections into a dual plot
- Options to set scaling, legend, colour mapping, and making snapshots