• FlexNet needs Visual Studio C++ run-time components to run.

    NORSAR Software Suite version 2021 and later (FlexNet 11.17)

    Error message "The program can't start because MSVCR140.dll is missing".

    Error message "norsarlmd exited with status 53".

    Please download and install Visual Studio 2015 redistributable 32 and 64-bit versions from Microsoft: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170

    NORSAR Software Suite version 2020.1 and earlier (FlexNet 11.11)

    Error message "The program can't start because MSVCR120.dll is missing".

    Please download and install Visual Studio 2013 redistributable 32 and 64-bit versions from Microsoft: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784 
  • Try to disable the firewall before starting the server. After the server has started, enable the firewall again.
  • If the 32-bit version of lmgrd.exe is selected in LMTOOLS, try to select the 64-bit version (or the 64-bit version if the 32-bit version is selected.)
  • Try to start the license server in non-service mode in LMTOOLS (uncheck "Use Services" in the "Config Services" tab.)