Unable to start the license server on Windows
- FlexNet needs Visual Studio C++ run-time components to run.
NORSAR Software Suite version 2021 and later (FlexNet 11.17)
Error message "The program can't start because MSVCR140.dll is missing".
Error message "norsarlmd exited with status 53".
Please download and install Visual Studio 2015 redistributable 32 and 64-bit versions from Microsoft: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170
NORSAR Software Suite version 2020.1 and earlier (FlexNet 11.11)
Error message "The program can't start because MSVCR120.dll is missing".
Please download and install Visual Studio 2013 redistributable 32 and 64-bit versions from Microsoft: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784 - Try to disable the firewall before starting the server. After the server has started, enable the firewall again.
- If the 32-bit version of lmgrd.exe is selected in LMTOOLS, try to select the 64-bit version (or the 64-bit version if the 32-bit version is selected.)
- Try to start the license server in non-service mode in LMTOOLS (uncheck "Use Services" in the "Config Services" tab.)
- FlexNet needs Visual Studio C++ run-time components to run.
I have installed new licenses, but I am having trouble getting a license
If you are having problems getting new licenses to work, try to clear all references to old licenses.
On Linux, follow these steps:
- Stop NORSAR Software Suite
- Go to your home directory
- Delete the file called: .flexlmrc
- Go to: .config/NORSAR
- Delete the file called: license.conf
- Start NORSAR Software Suite and select your license
On Windows, follow these steps:
- Stop NORSAR Software Suite
- Open regedit (registry editor)
- Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\NORSAR\license\
- Delete the folder named: flexnet_hosts_nss
- Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FLEXlm License Manager
- Delete the key named: NORSARLMD_LICENSE_FILE
- Start NORSAR Software Suite and select your license
License error for "n3d_main" when starting NORSAR Software Suite
NORSAR Software Suite and NORSAR-3D 5.7 share a n3d_main license feature. If you have a merged license file with both a NORSAR Software Suite license and a NORSAR-3D 5.7 license, FlexNet might have read the 5.7 license feature version when starting the server. NORSAR Software Suite cannot use this version of the feature. Please remove (or comment out with #) the n3d_main 5.7 license feature from the merged license file and restart the license server.
How to get FLEXlm Host ID
NORSAR software uses a floating FLEXlm license. To determine the FLEXlm Host ID for the license server machine, use the following commands:
- SUN: hostid
- Linux: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 (Use HWaddr in eth0 output and remove colons)
- Windows: Open a command window and type ipconfig /all. Use the Physical Address of Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection.
Merge several license files into one license file
- Use one license file as base
- Copy the feature lines (and ONLY the feature lines) from the other license files into the base license file, below the already existing feature lines in the base file.
- Start the license server with the merged file.
Installing the license files in a global place
- Merge the license files.
- If you want to use the Norsar_FLEXlm script to start the server, set LM_LICENSE_FILE in the Norsar_FLEXlm script.
- Set LM_LICENSE_FILE in the Norsar_2d and Norsar_3d startup scripts. SeisRoX and the new NORSAR Software Suite will ask for the license server at startup, so this step is not needed.
- Start the server.
I have installed the license file on a new server, but I am having trouble getting a license
On Linux, the path to all license files used are stored in a file called .flexlmrc which may overwrite the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable. Look in your home directory for the file .flexlmrc. Delete this file.
On Windows this is located in the registry. Open regedit, locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->FLEXlm License Manager. Delete the NORSARLMD_LICENSE_FILE entry. -
I have a demo/evaluation license file, but can't get a license, and I get a popup window with error message: "No such feature 'n2d_main'" or "No such feature 'n3d_main'"
Remember to set SM_DEMO_VERSION to True in Norsar_2d and/or Norsar_3d (located under <installed_path>/bin/startup)
Error message "Cannot connect to license server system (-15,570:113 No route to host)" or "Unknown host: <hostname>"
- Check that the hostname in the licensefile is also listed in the /etc/hosts file.
The /etc/hosts file looks something like this: localhost.localdomain localhost4
::1 localhost.localdomain localhost6
Add the name of your license server to the end of the lines, so that they look like this: localhost.localdomain localhost4 myservername
::1 localhost.localdomain localhost6 myservername
- If the above solution doesn't work, try to change the hostname in the licensefile to localhost and add the line localhost in the /etc/hosts file. It is also possible to get a hint of what is wrong by using the command /usr/sbin/ping hostname.
Error message "/flexlm/bin/x86/lmgrd: Command not found" when starting license server on Linux
FlexNet v11 requires LSB (Linux Standard Base) 3.0 or higher. Use the command lsb_release -a to check if LSB is installed. If not, install it using the packet manager for your Linux distribution. Make sure to install the correct 32 or 64-bit version of LSB. For example NORSAR-2D would need the 32-bit version and NORSAR-3D 64-bit would need the 64-bit version. You can have both 32 and 64-bit versions installed at the same time