NORSAR-3D 5.5 (May 11, 2012)
Version 5.5 introduces new tools for survey planning and illumination studies based on Illumination Ray (IRAY) concept. In addition a new fully integrated 3D viewer with the ability to plot all data objects in a NORSAR project is introduced. The viewer is the first step to bring NORSAR-3D into the new NORSAR Seismic Modelling platform. This framework is already used for SeisRoX. Included in the release are also major improvements in the Model Builder: The ability to make a 3D model from a set of 2D lines, and a more robust handling of interface intersection. Other modules are also improved, see below.
FlexLM license
- Upgraded to FlexNet 11.10
Project Manager
- Warning given if values are not reasonable
File Manager
- Handling of new data objects: Point Set, Polyline, IRAY Green’s Functions
- Import wavelet on ASCII file format
Cube Export
- Fixed bug causing wrong export unit
Survey Import
- Improved handling of large SPS files
- Optimized memory allocation
- Fixed bug causing undefined values in survey files
Survey definition
- A new survey generator is introduced with functionality to define more general surveys including coil surveys
- Survey CMP fold maps and azimuth/offset coverage maps are introduced in the Viewer
- Survey azimuth/offset coverage polar plots are introduced in the Viewer
Model Builder
- Load project grids as properties
- Store interfaces/horizons as project grids
- Improved memory handling in iso-surface construction
- Improved interface curvature calculations when a model is stored as a ‘model ready for ray-tracing’
- Tools to build 3D models from 2D lines
- Handle arbitrary 2D lines (models from NORSAR-2D)
- Improved interface intersections
- Load/Store/Make polylines
- Make interfaces from polylines
- Make constant gradient material properties
- Hot cursor option
- Rotate/Translate/Zoom are available during interactive editing (with ‘(M)’-functions)
- Display of UTM axis introduced
Viewer - NEW
- Complete new module with advanced functionality to display all data objects in a NORSAR project, including IMAPs, FPLOTs and survey fold maps
- View thumbnail of Flower Plots located in 3D
- Backward compatible with previous NORSAR-3D versions
Illumination Ray - NEW (available from Viewer)
- Option for interactive click & shoot of direct rays
- Option for interactive click & shoot of illumination rays (rays obeying Snell’s law)
- Introducing three IRAY applications (workflows) for target point studies:
- Target Based: Study the incident ray angles that can be realized at a target
- Shot Based: Study where to locate receivers given shot positions
- Survey Based: Study the ray coverage at a target point for a given survey
Common Shot Wavefront Tracer
- Introduced rotated shot centered working box option giving reduced processing time
- Improved re-tracing
- Improved handling of rough/complex property fields
- Improved handling of shots located in undefined property fields
- Some user interface improvements
Illumination Map
- New option for geometrical spreading correction (true amplitude)
- Advanced IMAP display in the new Viewer
Illumination Map Batch
- Handle unlimited number of licenses
- New option for local parallel mode
- Improved GUI
In addition stability fixes, minor improvements and miscellaneous bug fixes.
NORSAR-3D 5.4.5 (August 26, 2011)
Version 5.4.5 contains important stability improvements for the Illumination Map Batch and FlowerPlot. In addition other stability fixes, minor improvements and miscellaneous bug fixes.
Trimesh Import
- Vertices (VRTX) with index 0 will be ignored during import. Warning will be given.
Wavefront Tracer
- Increased maximum legal ray-tracing velocity from 20 km/s to 40 km/s.
Illumination Map
- IMAP setup
- Fixed problems setting registration direction type.
- Fixed error when selecting template IMG with no target horizons.
- Remember last used mapping domain when opening the setup dialog the second time.
- Warning if IMG setup will lead to high memory consumption in generation.
- IMAP generation
- Prevent crash of Illumination Map module if the generation process crashes.
- Fixed problems on S-velocity projection. Normalization of slowness vector.
- Improved stability and minor improvements.
- Fixed serious indexing bug in CRP subselection.
- Fixed bug causing discrete behavior of tolerance angles for event pair matching.
NORSAR-3D 5.4.4 (March 25, 2011)
Version 5.4.4 contains important stability improvements for the Illumination Map Batch.
Model Builder
- Improved handling of very small interfaces when a model is stored.
- Using less memory in some cases when a model is loaded.
Wavefront Tracer
- More robust wavefront propagation through models with very large velocity contrasts.
- More efficient wavefront propagation through very complex models.
- Including attenuation attributes when selecting IMAP-SMA event attribute settings.
Illumination Map
- Improved filter options.
- Fixed handling if S-wave, when not using SMA.
- Fixed minor bugs.
Illumination Map Batch
- Added improved auto-stop of server, if idle.
- Fixed no (or very slow) progress update in the generation of jobs, causing the system to suspect connection problems and crashes. This could happen when the event set was strongly filtered.
- Fixed bug causing merging of sub results never to start.
- Fixed bug causing the master to wrongly stopping slave jobs. This could happen if a job crashed.
- Fixed minor bugs.
In addition other stability fixes, minor improvements and miscellaneous bug fixes.
NORSAR-3D 5.4.3 (December 15, 2010)
Version 5.4.3 is a bugfix release.
Illumination Map
- Improved IMAP setup: Removed 'deadlock' between SMA option and trimesh option.
- Fixed license bug for Nucleus and demo versions when generating IMAPs.
Illumination Map Batch
- Warning shown if the selected number of nodes is larger than the total amount of batch licenses.
- Fixed license bug for Nucleus and demo versions when generating IMAPs.
Illumination Map Utility
- Fixed bug when trying to remove illumination function on global IMGs.
- Fixed crash when combining an imported global map with another map.
Ray Path Generator
- Fixed bug in internal technical settings causing crash in some rare cases.
- Adjusted event file reading to take into account new optional event parameters.
In addition, stability fixes, minor improvements and miscellaneous bug fixes.
NORSAR-3D 5.4.2 (November 12, 2010)
Version 5.4.2 adds new functionality to the Model Builder for using a polygon as area-of-interest for surface editing. In addition minor improvements, stability fixes and bug fixes.
Model Builder
- New functionality to draw a polygon on an interface, and smooth the part that is inside.
- New functionality to draw a polygon on an interface, and remove the vertices that are inside/outside.
- During interactive block/horizon definition, a red marker indicates when cursor position can be used.
- During interactive block/horizon definition, lines are drawn between the interfaces that belong to the block/horizon that is currently defined.
- Interface intersection menus are put in a single menu for faster response if user cancels the process.
- Improved interface intersections to avoid creation of many tiny interfaces if the same interfaces are intersected repeatedly.
- Removed flip of the positive direction of the interface normal within an interface, which could appear in some rare cases.
Illumination Map
- Fixed issue that default color maps were not available in the function rendering dialog, and that color functions could not be found.
- Fixed issue that Trimesh IMGs could not be created in IMG setup.
- Fixed issue that if there are several ray codes in the selected event set, one is selected by default, which caused confusion. Now a dialog for selecting ray codes pops up.
Common Shot Wavefront Tracer
- Fixed issue that when "Event Attribute Storing Option" set to "Synthetic Seismogram" in Common Shot Wavefront Tracer, the "Ray Normal Vector at Receiver" wasn't stored, which is necessary if the "Chosen Direction" is selected by the Seismogram Generator.
Flower Plot
- Fixed issue that generation failed when another ray code than dirP or dirS was selected.
NORSAR-3D 5.4.1 (August 18, 2010)
Prepare Greens Functions
- Fixed file access bug.
NORSAR-3D 5.4 (July 1, 2010)
Version 5.4 introduces a new Illumination Map batch system which enables parallel generation of illumination maps on a cluster or a heterogeneous network of computers. In addition the Model Builder is extended with new functionality to do time-depth conversion.
Cube Import- Extended with support for symmetry axis used to define TTI anisotropy
Cube Export
- New option for how to write inline/crossline information
Survey Import
- Reduced memory requirements when using Point Indices sub selection when importing SPS survey files
Model Builder
- New functionality to perform time-depth conversion by vertical stretching
Wavefront Common Shot Tracer
- Minor user interface improvements
Illumination Map
- Improved user interface for interactive generation of IMAPs
- New batch system for parallel generation of IMAPs
Illumination Map Utility
- Improved handling of missing data, so it will continue combining data even if some data are missing
Flower Plot
- More efficient anisotropic calculations
- Minor bug fix regarding handling of normal vectors
In addition, stability fixes, minor improvements and miscellaneous bug fixes.